Estate Planning Intake Form Once you fill out the intake form , we will contact you to book an appointment. Then, we will prepare your Legally binding Will and complete Estate Planning based on your request. We will review your Will package at the meeting with you, explain the different part of the package, take your instruction and answer your questions. *** If you and your spouse wish to have a Will, please submit a separate form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your personal Information *FirstLastEmail *EmailConfirm EmailYour Phone Number *City of your residence/Province *Marital Status *Single and never marriedSingle and never marriedMarriedCommon-law relationshipDivorced or WidowedName of your spouseFirstLastIf have a spouse, do they want to create her or his estate planning documents as well? *YesNoDo you have children under 18 years oldYesNoIf yes, please list all children from any relationship, born to you or adopted by you *FirstLastIf you have more than one children, please list them togetherExecuter or Personal Representative *FirstLastYour Personal Representative (PR) (also called an executor) is the person who will be responsible for the distribution of your estate. If you are married, we normally provide that your spouse is the first choice for Personal Representative. In case your spouse cannot act, or if you have no spouse, please provide the full name for an alternate Personal Representative(s) (you can have more than 1, but it is advisable to have no more than 2), their cities of residence, and their relation to you The PR is generally also the Trustee if any trusts that are established by your Will. It is prudent to appoint an alternative PR who will act if your first named Personal Representative cannot or will not act. For tax reasons, it is not advisable to choose a PR who resides outside of Canada. If you have more than one PR, it would be preferable if at least one of them is a resident of Alberta. If applicable, please list your alternative Executer or Personal Representative *FirstLastCity of your residence/Province of your alternative executer *Children over 18To surviving childrenTo surviving childrenTo the offspring of the child that predeceased youNot applicableIf you have adult children, our assumption is that you like them to received equal shares of the estate. In the event that your child predeceases you, what is your instruction of distribution of the gifts? If you don't have an adult child, please choice "Not Applicable".Children under 18 *All at age 18All at age 18%25 at age 18, %25 at age 20, %50 at22%25 at age 18, %50 at age 20, %25 at age 22OtherNot applicableWhile they are under 18, they are not allowed to take ownership of the gift. It is typical for wills to release the gift to them in stages after they reach 18. How would you like the gifts released to your children?Guardian *FirstLastIf you have minor children (or plan to have minor children in the future), you should appoint a guardian or guardians for them. The guardian(s) will be responsible for ensuring that your children are cared for in the event that you pass on before they turn 18. Our estate plans usually provide that your spouse (if applicable) will automatically be named guardian. Who would you like to be guardian(s) (you can name 2 people) in the event that you and your spouse(if applicable) pass on? You may wish to appoint alternative Guardian(s) if the primary Guardian is unable or unwilling to act as Guardian. Guardian Relationship *What is your relationship to the guardian(s) (for example, sister and brother-in-law, friends, etc.): City of your residence/Province of your Guardian *Balance of Estate to go to your spouse? *YesNoGift to Spouse or other beneficiaries YesNoBurial InstructionBurialCremationOtherIf you wish you could include these in your Will.Disposition of RemainsIf you wish, you may detail how you would like your remains disposed of upon your passing. This is an instructive provision, meaning that it is meant to only inform your Personal Representative about what to do. It is not legally binding. You do not need to provide instructions. The typical instructions, if they are included, are that you wish to be buried with your partner, or you wish to be cremated . Enduring Power of Attorney; Name of your Attorney *FirstLastAn Enduring Power of Attorney (“EPA") allows you (the “Donor”) to give someone else (the “Attorney”) the right to act on your behalf, even if you become mentally incapable, to manage your financial affairs including paying your bills, depositing & investing money on your behalf, and even selling your house. If you are married or partnered, typically your spouse or partner is named as your first choice for Attorney. Attorney relationship *Personal Directive; Name of your Agent *FirstLastA Personal Directive allows you (the “Maker”) to give someone else (the “Agent”) the legal rights to handle your non-financial affairs, such as health care, housing and medical treatment. It allows you to determine in advance who will make these decisions on your behalf if due to illness or injury, you ever lose the mental ability to make these decisions for yourself. If you are married or partnered, typically your spouse or partner is named as your first choice for Agent. Agent relationship *City of your residence/Province of your Agent and Attorney *End of Life Provisions, you can give directions regarding how your health care decisions, including what is to happen if you are in a vegetative state and there is no hope of recovery. You may choose from the following common provisions: *If there is no reasonable expectation that I will regain the capacity to make my own decisions, then I want treatment to be directed solely at the relief of pain and suffering. I do not wish my life to be prolonged by artificial means and direct that hydration and nutrition should not be administered should the continuation of hydration and nutrition be judged to result only in unduly prolonging my natural death.I wish to have all diagnostic and therapeutic interventions which can be reasonably expected to allow me to regain the capacity to make my own informed decisions.I wish to be kept comfortable and free from pain. This means that all measures should be taken to ensure that comfort, including the giving of pain medication, even though it may dull consciousness, and indirectly shorten my life. I do not wish the dying process to be prolonged.Questions and CommentsWebsiteSubmit